A Community Based Church
Our community is lively and diverse, a beautiful patchwork of private, rented and social housing, with all the people, needs and talents to go with it. It is a place expectant of new housing and one full of God’s opportunities. It is also an area in which we recognise our responsibilities. Therefore, we work to bring a sense of the relevance of church, a place that genuinely cares, without judgement, a place where Christianity is made real in the way we provide and serve. Currently we do this and seek to raise people’s awareness of us and all that we offer, through the many church based groups that we run; for young and old and all in between; through offering our church premises to another denomination for their weekly services; by involving ourselves in the leadership of projects such as the local Community Garden; by working with schools; by working with local residents to run monthly coffee mornings for their charities; by holding councillors’ surgeries and through private bookings. In this way we not only strive to meet people’s practical needs, but also to raise their awareness of our Church and its relevance, so that we can begin to meet their spiritual needs as well.